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Insightful Sites

African Urbanism

African Urbanism

Explorations of Accra, Ghana's capital city

Urban Africa Risk Knowledge

Urban Africa Risk Knowledge

A research program focused on disaster risk in urban Sub-Saharan Africa.

African Architecture Matters

African Architecture Matters

A non-profit based in the Netherlands focused on African architecture and urbanism.

African Centre for Cities

African Centre for Cities

Africa Centre for Cities at the University of Cape Town.



The Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa at the London School of Economics.

The Africa Channel

The Africa Channel

The showcase for the African continent’s most outstanding English language television, film, music, and documentaries

Urban Africa Net

Urban Africa Net

Covers multiple topics of interest including the built environment, culture, economy, governance, human rights and sustainability. Out of the University of Cape Town African Centre for Cities.

Map Kibera

Map Kibera

Map Kibera is a project that uses open digital map technologies to map the informal settlement. It has community empowerment at its heart.

Africa Research Institute

Africa Research Institute

A non-partisan research institute in London; one sub-area of interest is cities.

Africa Centre

Africa Centre

A UK charity promoting “Africa’s creative expression and cultural diversity outside the continent.

British Institute in Eastern Africa

British Institute in Eastern Africa

African Blogger Award

African Blogger Award

The African Blogger Award site links you to some of the best writing coming out of Africa.

Hip Hop African

Hip Hop African

A blog focused on music currently maintained and updated by students in the Hip Hop and Popular Culture in Africa course in the African Studies Department at Howard University.



The Voice of Africa covers wide range of African topics and is easily navigable by region. Provides European, especially Italian perspective.

Africa is a Country

Africa is a Country

Some of the best features, online commentary and original writing about and from the continent on the web.

Last Updated November 21,  2018

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